Monday, November 6, 2017

About Death

Death is something every human has to do. (If/when immortality is achieved, whether through genetic engineering or robot integration, then those beings will not be human.) Yet so many of us delude ourselves with the belief it won't happen to us.

It will.

Worse, so many people, especially in the US, fear death. Death is a natural function. It's also inevitable.

Fear paralyzes. It makes it impossible to have a thoughtful discussion. It minimizes our ability to thoroughly enjoy life. Finally, it's utterly pointless--fearing an inevitability does nothing except dampen the spirit while it still possesses the body.

In short, it's stupid.

Not being afraid to die is NOT the same thing as wanting to die. Unfortunately, fear can cloud one's mind to the point of not being able to tell one from another.

Acceptance, not eagerness.

Love every single thing that happens to you and you'll never be disappointed.

You're gonna die--do something about it while you still can. 

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