Tuesday, April 12, 2016


There is no such thing as right and wrong. There are only circumstances.

If this were not the case, laws would be transfixed; all laws would be right. Instead, they're dictated by A) the belief in what is good by the majority of people and more often B) the self-interest of people in power.

This principle can perhaps be best drilled home by something a professor put forward in one of my freshman English classes. "Every single person living is the offspring of a murder. Our ancestors had to kill in order to survive and reproduce." That, for me, was paradigm-shifting.

Is it right or wrong? Neither, It merely is.

Instead of making moral judgments about everything you encounter, lighten your cognitive load immensely by simply observing the actions of others, and asking yourself concerning your own actions "how's that working out for you?"

Circumstances don't make something right or wrong. Your interpretation of them does. Free yourself from this massive burden by doing as Jeffery Gitomer suggests, and resigning your position as General Manager of the Universe.  

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