Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dream About It

In the summer of 2002, I attended a basketball camp called Future Stars, in Pella, Iowa. It was several straight days of ten hours of basketball a day. It was difficult, demanding, and amazing.

Exhausted, I slept much of the car ride home. I dreamt about basketball. Namely, reverse layups and turn around fade aways. On two occasions, I woke myself up performing the latter in my dreaming mind, which carried over to actually moving my body. My old man got a laugh out of it.

Dreaming about copywriting the other night culled this memory out of storage.

I believe there's a powerful message in this. If you're working hard and pursuing something your passionate about, you should dream about it. You're so engaged in getting better consciously that it carries over and manifests subconsciously as well.

There's a strong case for the hypothesis that sleeping is necessary for our brains to synthesize what we learned and experience while awake. 

Pursue your passions--it's even better if you're talented at it and it's a skill someone will pay you for--to the point of dreaming about it.

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