"You have to be odd to be number one."
Now more than ever is the time to be weird. Be yourself. Be happy to not fit in with the crowd.
Think of the word successful. Now, who is the first person who comes to your mind? Is this successful person normal? How 'bout the second successful person who comes to mind?
Chances are, if you thought of success in terms of fortune or fame, these people were anything but normal.
One, two, three generations ago normal was okay. A person could get a job, work for that company his or her whole life, with dependable promotions and raises, and retire with a nice pension. Those days are DEAD.
The system is still set up to teach us that this "be a cog" industry is still alive and well. Why? I think it's for two reasons 1) The educational-industry is a bloated bureaucracy and, like all bloated bureaucracy, it moves slower than tortoises fornicating. 2) Money, of course! You think those getting rich peddling this lie want it to change? Of course not. (For illustration, Google "College student loan debt in the United States." That money had to go somewhere.)
The cog system is dead. But that's okay! If we move to the era of the freelancer, things will be much better. People will feel much more fulfilled talking about projects they've worked on instead of how they're humping the same old crappy job just to make end's meet. It also means happier, more efficient workers.
So be weird. Explore and find out where your passions overlap your skills and others' desires. Be happy you're not a mindless drone. If someone calls you weird, take it as a compliment.
"Be what you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
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